One of
the most common complaints about
this website is that the pages
are too long. There's a
reason for that. Brevity
costs time and time is money and
this website is free. Also
I am a chronic bore. For
years before the internet even
brevity cost money so here for
the cost of 99p
on Kindle or £3.49
if you're silly enough to
still be using paper are
all my old poems and printed
rubbish from before the internet
was invented. As
previously published in Envoi,
Iota, The
Journal, Krax, Orbis,
and other less literary
tomes. It's only slightly
above my dignity to give this
rubbish away for free which is
why it's the absolutely lowest
price you can put something on
Amazon for. As it's
electricity and print on demand
no trees have unnecessarily
slaughtered to make this happen
either. Those that do die
will be killed humanely.
Besides which in about 14 years
between 1992 and 2005 I only
wrote about 20 ish poems that
might be worth re-reading so it
isn't like you could publish a
proper collection ...and yet
it's not so worthless I think
it's worth nothing ...just next
to nothing. Besides which
poetry is personal and if you're
that nosey you can cough up some
money. There's also some
waffle at the start and end
about how the printed poetry
scene worked and life before the
internet when ranting on the
page was tough and it took 3
months to get a poem read and
then 6 months to 2 years to get
it published and possibly read
by less than 1000 people.
The great thing about comedy is
that however bad the gig goes I
- not the promoter or an
editor - have the
edit. And the great thing
about these pages is there is no
editing at all - it's just
endless waffle... you're all
just too young to realise why
that's so wonderful......
...oh yeah
and if you can't face a
whole book of A E Miller
I'm also anthologised
here I
think. Actually
reading the book I find
I'm not... although they
did write and ask if I
wanted to be in it or
maybe in something else
some time - it was a
long time ago - which
proves at least one
person genuinely liked
one of my poems
once. Anyway I
mustered up the
enthusiasm to send out
some review
copies. As if to
prove my hypothesis that
the poetry world is
needlessly obsessed with
paper and more than
mildly intellectually
snobbish some bloke
called Wolfgang
Görtschacher at Poetry Salzburg instead of
just not reviewing the
book as I suspect most
sane people would
bothers to writes back:
cooperate with
Amazon nor will
we ever review a
book published
by or with the
help of Amazon"
So here are
some of the poems he
refuses to read simply
because I haven't used
the politically correct
I, psychologist
Someone crying separate
Must be an oblique
testament of the figure
So to indicate the
I have inserted arrows and
We can learn a lot about
the way such children see
the world
From oblique arrows and
labels, I think
At any discussion it is
more constructive
Than casting my mind back
For although I once was a
I no longer am
Because my testicles have
because I have grown
horrible hair
because I have fancied
and been able to do
something about it
for all these reasons I
must be wiser
and not remember childhood
It stands to reason, I
I think it stands to
Bazaars shout out the wide
and shifting stream
and then it is a theatre
and then it is an office
and all along the Strand
there is black brick
it is the trick of the
effluent sewer
not to be seen or heard or
spoke of
as even a phenomenon of
sound now
How do you write about a
common experience
become uncommon to the
point where even the
slightest trickle
is tapped away to a glint?
My father said the worst
riot to hit the city
was when the offices of
Lloyds crossed the road.
It seems another world now
that showed the river last
the secret of Limestreet
the Eldorado sparkling
which now and again will
still seep forth labour
In turds to turds for
turds for turds to weep
There are no bathing-steps
on the river front now.
No temple. No worshipping
That that is neither holy
neither pagan.
Indeed, there is no river
I want to write something
as a freshly minted note –
a fifty!
although a twenty would do
or failing that a fiver.
Better than money
Would be something that
can be spent
But not devalued
But everything does
I am afraid
I am afraid
that I want to: “satisfy
the intelligent reader”
to be: “ a topic of
that I want the people in
Hampstead to have said:
“Ezra Pound, Sylvia, Ted
all had interesting poetic
but for literary sagacity
you can’t beat ‘Anthony’”
“A.E.”, “Edmund”, “Anty”,
all as good as the other
so long as they mean me.
Maybe I could be discussed
in “Acumen”
as poetically fake and
“Successfully bad”.
That would be something.
Even if I was a footnote
in the Poetry Review
or an anthology artefact
some one in fact read
at least I would be read
which would be something
not that sparkling.
I seem to write small
Where there is discord
Flirtatious as an old
prostitute “Thatcher”
springs jack-in-a-box-like
to my box
as if she never knew she'd
hangdog as Macmillan
and that her very name now
is an “ism” and a flag of
for the right to rally to,
the left to hate.
Yet still I see she stuffs
herself into tight suits
and talks
earnestly to camera as if
at a lecture where a
is left in her test tube
waiting to prove
the reaction isn't quite
over and cover
some important ground
her students if they went
without demonstrations
wouldn’t get but somehow
haven't yet...
Poor Margaret— So pathetic
to still be at it.
Stateswoman without a
state yet perpetually in
On about Henry Moore: “He
loved order.”
She loved ordering and now
she can't her poise isn't
More like watching Mollie
Sugdon, having preened
herself and her pussy,
waiting to be served
by some toyboy
she hasn't the cash or
cachet to attract.
Yes, I pity poor
who've lived out or out
lived their powers
like some bad actor who
never could remember lines
landing rotting brains.
Who do you think you
are kidding, pedigree
So bigheaded it needed a
to separate him from womb
yet his air-passage is
with such awkward
it's like suffocating
every breath of what life
you can have in a skin so
flabby upper-lip folds
become as ideal a place
for fleas and infections
as a tiny ear’s long tiny
ornamental not functional
free from air yet
a trap for sweat.
Do I need to go on on how
he “lives”?
with a “Bulldog Spirit of
the Blitz”?
by a eugenics so cruel
it would be a wonder if
the inbred
creature didn't cry
through the misshapen eyes
so twisted his tear ducts
Ian Hamilton’s career
by Edward Pygge
Someone would get it
our justice (not spite)
- would be the trite git
kicked from high pedestal
- falling till the brain
and heart are separate!
We would believe it
— that we'd served a
service to poetry —
eliminating from your
community these charlatans
by causing their books not
to be read
which they wouldn't be
unlike our entertaining
Arts Council displays
of block-yanked-off,
stuck-out necks snapped.
Of course, it's only the
sort of game one plays
when one’s young and
imagines poetry matters to
many people.
Anyway, I believed it then
and if there were no
where would be the cheers
when anyone climbed the
It worked for me: I'm in
the “Poetry Review”.
I've almost talked to J.
D. Salinger too.
St Bernard and the
Virgin's breast milk
The little lord Jesus — no
crying he makes
but he does not seem
entirely happy
about his dinner being
sprayed in air
arcing with well preserved
surface tension
all the way from Mary’s
and through thin air
to splatter on a saintly
And, frankly, who can
blame the kid?
It's not as if the old
priest's thin or lean
and surely the Christ
child's own body and blood
should have more spiritual
nutritional value
than his mother's
Why doesn't he take some?
After all, Bernard is a
he can do
What’s eating him?
Then again maybe virginal
Mary feels
That even if uou can eat
her son any time
you need a bit of variety
to escape impiety?
Perhaps even the Saintly
need to be weaned?
Drip fed their doctrines
and sacraments?
Eternal redemption or
damnation being hard to
when continually in the
same form:
mortal, invisible pain and
Poor old Osiris
After being hacked into
fourteen and stuck
together again
he was properly stitched
for Set in his ways
concealed the location
of mummy’s best friend:
Osiris's penis.
Isis was furious with her
jackass son
but her lover was impotent
— could only kill and damn
It was impossible to
this divine cock up.
Just to emphasise this is
not black and white T.V.
but a technicolour horror
sumptuously shot on an
enclosed set
with location filming at
where these clipped
dialogues were exchanged
like legal papers
once upon a film
everything is slightly too
For while Dean and Marilyn
were dying to develop
their method
Lee an Cushing became
stars through stares.
Discovered true horror was
with a beautiful woman in
a sumptuous room
and not acting or reacting
or seeming to want to
Anger and fear are the
only emotions
scarcely seen— when they
break the skin
they're righteous or
hideous with nothing in
Oh, give us Bela Lugosi!
At least he could be
The Cream
These are the ones who
wrote poems.
The Sassoons and Owens who
made us feel slightly
Indeed, some of them were
an embarrassment
because they were also the
Cream is for spreading on
strawberries and luxuries
and it's such bad taste
for it to go sour
to be wasted on mud,
machine gun, hun.
Particularly the prefects
who'd become head boys.
There were others of
that served at tables or
attended lavatories
who did not write poetry
or play cricket for their
Less eminent Edwardians
who's contributions to our
were not signed and so
attributed to “anon”.
And, of course, we also
remember them.
We grieve for them too.
But they were our
strawberry jam
not our cream.
Did the first men who
rubbed sticks
twig how their smouldering
fire would spark
those men who open mined
the first coal
who didn't dig how deep
they'd need to to excavate
all those black substances
of millennia of death?
Do the viewers of Star
realise that the trek to
the nearest star is so far
that travelling at a speed
where our matter would be
we’d be dead for eighty
years when we got there
if we could live to 120
and repair
the fact acceleration
would rip our
cells apart?
People may think the
of an odd ocean is the
worst of global warming
but it is not the change
of environment
but the rate of change of
that like the rate of
change of speed in a
crashing car
No civilisation ever
thinks seriously of any
The Greeks thought they
had it cracked by
‘tools’ to do their
washing and ironing
but when the Roman Legions
(and not that many)
came and saw and
they leant what it really
when things are cracked
Now they are ruins and
cracked pots
we think the solution of
just cracking petroleum
some hope.
Marketing Man of the
Serve us up your finest
from which you'll escape
scathed but well.
Singed by truth. Child
proud of scars.
Giggling at those
Keep silent on fiddled
cramped seats on low cost
silence of basic hotel
and supplement charge for
cable porn.
Remember how you put one
even when you were the
Talk of barters with
gleeful gloat,
tell economically truthful
Cuts Both Ways
Thomas 5 Becket - struck
head on
was cracked like a boiled
his opened mind squidged
still cogitating on
consecrated stone.
Treading the prirnate’s
grey cells under foot
fleeing knights
immediately sensed they
wouldn’t be thanked
for slaughtering this
But it was because they
weren’t that the
unchivalrous pariahs
went on to become R.C.
Crusaders for Pope Urban
absolved from sin with
eternal felicity
thanks to public celebrity
Peter the Hermit
their souls were saved and
they saved souls.
Dispatching souls claimed
Jerusalem for Christendom.
Dancing in the Rain
Under umbrellas clubbers
skip in the rain.
Their teen ages shine
vibrant as neon.
Their hair is loose and
drips on anorak and coat
that cover
the colourful, skimpy
garments that don't need
to reveal
but don’t conceal flesh.
Tonight, this moment,
together yet not attached,
free from rejection and
like their playground
selves they laugh
from skipping, rain,
expectation, fun.
The surrounding darkness
is not threatening.
They are warm and not
worried by liquids
End of Term
The men in their suits.
The ladies in hats.
Teachers in gowns.
Pupils in blazers.
Secretaries of State for
Education on the podium.
All of them bored and
in a stifling white tent
concealing the summer sun
but not stopping
and sweating and sighing
and watch watching and
through speeches as
as unravelling string
and embarrassed fake
at badly delivered jokes
before prizes for the
and the winners of games.
Approved books.
Coloured strips.
Shaken hands.
At the back of the tent is
a large table
with a thoughtfully
prepared cold collation
which will also be
ignored. Uneaten.
Marked Man
Bulldog clips on penis,
fingers, ears and toes
and just enough juice
to make all muscles
The noise is not human.
It is animal, primaeval,
as every nerve is fired
but his organs remain
Later, when unplugged
there is only memory
and unblemished skin.
If he can still collect
in scrambled brain
he will tell his people:
Safety Last
For Harold Lloyd they made
a glove
with fingers that were
stuffed with cloth
to help the camera lie
that two
digits of his did not now
For close-ups stand-ins’
hands were used
to fool fingers could grip
and bend
just as the long shot
human fly
sequences were done by a
Who’d caught his curiosity
by drawing such a
loitering crowd
that loitered as they had
round him
after he’d lit that
hand-held bomb
Kept in hand for an
unplanned test
to see first hand if it
was the best
effect for a movie about
when his power to touch
tore his grip in a flash
Honestly the
only reason I haven't
put them all up or any
of them up before is
some of them are now
parts of my set and some
of them are too personal
or about living
persons. One
advantage of the small
press was as no one read
it except people
obsessed with the
perfect use of words
rather than their
meaning you could
liberally libel everyone
living without worrying
too much. It's old
Who cares?
Well ... University
Professors of English
who are presumably paid
to make themselves aware
of all forms of English
literary culture
declaring whole swathes
of it anathema.
Doubltess they have some
excuse like Amazon
destroying small
bookshops or some such
other fig leaf of
respectability - like
any book shop would have
ever stocked a book this
obscure. My
bad. Should have
produced it in my back
bedroom using a
hectograph. Perhaps I
should complain to the German Comedy Ambassador...?
The German
Comedy Ambassador writes
that his colleague the
German Poetry Ambassdor
is unavailable for
comment but "In the
meantime I happily
provide a quote
without even bothering
you for a copy"A
". Now that's what
I call literary
ich weißSalzburgistin
ist eine Art,
an der Grenze,
und es gibtnichteine
österreichischeKomödieoderPoetryBotschafter, die
ich kenne...und
wir sindnur
leicht überstereotypeWeltkriegWitze.